This is not an ad of pop stars. They are in fact tutors for public examinations!
Category Archives: General
個人一小步,社會一大步: 今次隨中文大學研究院去馬來西亞招生, 只要吸引到一個學生來中大經濟系, 就已經可以增加馬來西亞學生人數超過100%! #尋找他鄉的學生
On business trip to Malaysia to recruit students.
隆重宣布 #中大經濟 嘅 #Bloomberg Terminals 正式投入服務啦! 由即日起同學可以24/7全天候使用 ELB909 #數據分析實驗室 嘅三部機。記得喺登入介面整一個新帳戶俾自己。
The Department’s Bloomberg terminals are now in service!
Did you know that one of the pioneers in neural network was an econometrician? This was not an easy book to find, but it was well worth it. The book is a collection of articles written by Halbert White—as in *White* Standard Errors—that rigorously laid the theoretical foundation for the effectiveness of neural nets, including universal approximation, consistency and asymptotic normality of learned parameters. These results fill a much-needed gap for those with a background in statistics.
While we on the topic of AI, do you know that Andrew Ng’s online course on deep learning is already available in China, two weeks ahead of its official launch in the United States? It’s a very telling sign on how much a leader China is in the development of AI. I highly encourage anyone interested in knowing what AI really is about to take the course. You get to learn from one of the most important figures in the field, how much better than that can you get?
P.S. It’s also interesting that Andrew chose an economic topic as the very first example.
社評﹕AI革命席捲全球 政府須積極回應 – 20170901 – 社評 – 社評 – 明報新聞網