行無貨,走水貨一Gundam Barbatos 長距離輸送 booster。
Esther‘s spoils.
Category Archives: General
Something like this either makes you want to study math or makes you want to avoid it forever.
Source: A Quasipolynomial Time Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism: The Details | Math ∩ Programming
Auto-Hiding Taskbar in Windows 10 Tablet Mode
Although there is an existing paid-app that automatically hides the taskbar in tablet mode, I wished for more functionalities. In particular, I want the taskbar to hide in landscape mode where vertical space is precious, but not in portrait mode where there is plenty of vertical space. I ended up writing a little application to get what I need.
Features of the application:
- Auto-hide taskbar can be turned on or off independently for each combination of tablet mode and screen orientation.
- Install for all users.
- Free and open source.
The application can be downloaded here: http://ticoneva.com/software/
IPython Notebook and Connected Standby
If you use IPython Notebook on a Windows tablet with Connected Standby enabled, remember to shut it down after you are done. If you do not do so, the browser-based Notebook will keep your tablet constantly awake, draining away your battery.
PowerPoint Multi-Display Setting Fix
PowerPoint係簡報開始時會轉成extend screen,但完結後就唔會轉返轉頭。唔想咁樣,可以點樣?
If you find PowerPoint 2013’s habit of changing multi-display setting without changing back annoying. How to fix this issue?
Change the following registry key:
If you do not like editing registry yoyurself, you can create a file that fix the issue for you:
認真的,無線的觀眾組成相比十多二十年前的確變了很多。無線以往由評審員選出勝利者還不是那麼明顯,但像今次港姐這樣100%由觀眾投票選出則會完全反映出來。記得中學時亞視《我和殭屍有個約會2》大結局和港姐決賽是同一天播出,結果是選擇睇殭屍的人多過睇港姐的。大家可以想像一下港姐還有甚麼人在看,而他 / 她們心目中的理想港姐又是否要是模特兒級的靚女一名?