Category Archives: General


Real estate is still very expensive in Hong Kong…


Auto-Hiding Taskbar in Windows 10 Tablet Mode

Although there is an existing paid-app that automatically hides the taskbar in tablet mode, I wished for more functionalities. In particular, I want the taskbar to hide in landscape mode where vertical space is precious, but not in portrait mode where there is plenty of vertical space. I ended up writing a little application to get what I need.

Features of the application:

  • Auto-hide taskbar can be turned on or off independently for each combination of tablet mode and screen orientation.
  • Install for all users.
  • Free and open source.

The application can be downloaded here:

Screenshot 2015-10-17 02.28.29

PowerPoint Multi-Display Setting Fix

PowerPoint係簡報開始時會轉成extend screen,但完結後就唔會轉返轉頭。唔想咁樣,可以點樣?
If you find PowerPoint 2013’s habit of changing multi-display setting without changing back annoying. How to fix this issue?

Change the following registry key:

If you do not like editing registry yoyurself, you can create a file that fix the issue for you:


認真的,無線的觀眾組成相比十多二十年前的確變了很多。無線以往由評審員選出勝利者還不是那麼明顯,但像今次港姐這樣100%由觀眾投票選出則會完全反映出來。記得中學時亞視《我和殭屍有個約會2》大結局和港姐決賽是同一天播出,結果是選擇睇殭屍的人多過睇港姐的。大家可以想像一下港姐還有甚麼人在看,而他 / 她們心目中的理想港姐又是否要是模特兒級的靚女一名?




Extending the Functions of Windows 10’s Cortana

Screenshot 2015-08-13 23.47.46

Cortana, the digital assistant that comes with Windows 10, is Microsoft’s answer to Apple Siri and Google Now. It is quite capable, but there are times when I wish it has more features. For example, I really wanted to be able to lock my computer with a single voice command, but Cortana does not have this function built in. Fortunately, it is possible to extend Cortana’s function. To do so, we make use of the fact that Cortana searches through the start menu shortcuts when you say the keyword “open” or “launch”.

Here are the steps to create a command to lock your computer:

1. Create a shortcut in an accessible location such as the desktop. This can be achieved by pressing the right mouse button and select [New]->[Shortcut].

2. For the location of the item, enter: %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

3. Give the shortcut a natural name, which is what Cortana will look for when you speak to her. Since Cortana utilitizes natural language processing, it is much better at recognizing phrases that actually make sense.

4. Copy the newly created shortcut to: %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. You will need administrative privileges to complete this step.

If all goes well, you should be able to lock your computer by saying “hey Cortana, open lock computer”.

You can create similar commands to hibernate or sleep your computer. Just change the location of the item accordingly:
Hibernate: %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep
Sleep: You need PSTools from Microsoft ( Set item location as: [Location of PSTools]\psshutdown.exe -d -t 0

Another thing you can do is to create a command to open a website. You might think that this would be as simple as adding an internet shortcut to the start menu, but turns out it is more complicated than that: while Cortana keeps a record of internet shortcuts created through installation of programs, she does not do so with ones that are added manually. Furthermore, she does not index shortcuts that have non-executable extensions, meaning that you cannot use “chrome.exe”, because this would be recognized as having a “.com” extension.

Here is how to get around this issue:
1. Create a text file and type in it “start ” followed by the URL you want to open.
2. Change the extension of the text file to “.bat”
3. Create a shortcut that points to the file you just created and follow the aforementioned steps.

For example, I have created a shortcut called “Gmail” that points to a “Gmail.bat” that executes “start”. With this, Cortana would open Gmail with my computer’s default browser when I say “Hey Cortana, open Gmail”.

Upon creating the shortcuts, you might notice that the default icon is quite uninformative. You can pick a better one after you created the shortcut by right-clicking on the icon, click [Properties], followed by clicking [Change Icon…]. Enter one of the following in “Look for icons in this file” textbox, where you should find a lot of icons to choose from:

So here you go, try it out!

Screenshot 2015-08-13 23.38.25