Sometimes pictures I shot get posted to websites other than my own. One such instance is Owen Ozier’s website. Yes that guy on the front page is Owen and I took that picture. Owen is a third year PhD student in Berkeley’s economics department, just as I am. Owen however has a much more diverse experience, in particular he has been conducting research in Kenya.
Category Archives: General
Central Rat Race
Looking at photos from previous Central Rat Race there is certainty an over-representation of foreigners. Another proof that Hong-Kongers dislike exercise?
Movies and Dramas
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Substandard special effects, particularly the keyings.
Resident Evil: Extinction
Judging from the ending the next title in series is going to Resident Evil: Clone Wars.
Prison Break
As expected my girlfriend is superb up to date to the new season.
我對《涼風》的總括評語是–虎頭蛇尾。以近乎光速的進度述說涼風意外懷孕,並和大和結婚的結局,不能不懷疑作者意在盡早了結連載。 其實這趨勢在涼風出國留學時已經可以看出端倪了,一整年當中發生了甚麼事竟然不甚了了,輕輕帶過。有說《涼風》是高中愛情漫畫,主角們都入了大學會和原主題不符。老實說,原主題誰會管?進大學故事是可以畫得更精彩的。現在可好了,男女主角二人大學不用讀,萌果不知那裏找到一個由始至終都沒讓讀者見過男朋友,其他角色的後期發展是零。最可憐的是結衣,不但要高高興興的來向大和二人道賀,作者還勞煩安信解釋說她不是那種纏人的女孩。瀨尾公治,就不可以留她一點女性尊嚴麼?
毛利蘭 Mori Ran
Whenever I watch Detective Conan (Case Closed in the United States) I always think Mori Ran is a girlfriend too good to be true, being able to withstand the absent of Kudo Shin’ichi, her detective boyfriend and the main character of the series, for 13 years (to be fair it is the comic that has been published for 13 years; within the story time is frozen just like the Simpsons). But then I realize someone has been doing the same for me, and that fill my eyes with tears.
How do free porn sites make a profit?
From the title it is apparent that this is a sensitive topic, but an economically interesting one nonetheless. While I was searching for a mp3 version of Hacken Lee’s new hit <<花落誰家>> on emule, I noticed that quite a few porn sites use domain names that suggest they are free. With a not so happy mood I allowed my curiosity overpower me to seek out how on earth do these sites support themselves.
In case you are wondering, yes I can be pretty crazy at times. If not, how would I be able to keep my sanity without going to Karaoke or drink a beer even once?
At first to my surprise there is no obvious sign of advertisement; but as common sense would tell you there is nothing as free lunch in this world (not even salvation, which has been paid for on our behalf by Christ). The following are five types of “hidden” cost I have come up with:
1. Email Address Required
You would think no one would be stupid enough to fall into such obvious invitation to spam; I suppose there is enough people with their sex impulse over their heads to make this work. Also isn’t email verification easily beatable by services like mailinator or bugmenot?
2. Credit Card/Checking Account Number Required
This seems even more idiotic than 1., but considering that there are pay-to-view porn sites out there some potential viewers might think there is nothing to worry about.
3. Expensive Access Phone Call
This method is more ingenious. Potential viewers are directed to call a certain phone number for access password. While the porn site is free in its own right the call is not–the phone number provided is one that carries extremely high charges, for example an international call to Liechtenstein (don’t know where that is huh? Read Wikipedia’s entry on this tiny European country); I bet many potential viewers would just call without realization the hidden charges behind. Furthermore the provider of the phone service would try to hold potential viewers on the phone as long as possible–and no I did not actually make the call, I read about this on the website of a provider of such service,
4. Advertisement
Advertisement is there after all, though not exactly resembling the typical “Ads by Google”. This New York Times article discuss in some details how the porn industry pioneers web business; in particular,
Free sites profit by carrying links to other sites, which pay fractions of a cent each time a customer clicks through.
I guess this also explain why domain names that resemble famous websites are often porn sites.
5. Mal-ware?
There is still one final possibility–that the free porn site is actually a cover for various type of mal-ware. I would rather not having myself exposed to such dangers so I have firefox’s no-script plug-in on for the whole time.
Claymore Anime
Watched the anime adaption of Claymore for the first time. The art work is fair; definitely inferior to the original comic. The music and fight scene arrangement on the other hand are notable.
Does Mr. Woo understand what “paid holiday” means?
Missed My Flight
So back to work until Thursday…