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真正靠人工智能賺大錢:顯視卡製造商NVIDIA股價今日首次突破200美元 。去年其股價才70美元,兩年前是30美元!
How A.I. makes you rich: NVIDIA reached $200 for the first time today. It was $70 one year ago and $30(!) two years ago.

在經濟系教一年級數學並不容易,因為文科出身的學生不會無條件接受數學的重要性。上星期有學生問matrix transpose有何用,今個星期就有另一名學生就determinant問同一個問題。我記憶之中,自己在數學系上課時從來都沒有學生會問這樣的問題。
Teaching a first-year mathematics course offered by the economics department is not easy, because students will not unconditionally accept the usefulness of mathematics. This is particularly true for students with an arts background. I had, for example, received questions doubting the usefulness of matrix transpose and determinant. I have never heard of such questions back when I took similar classes from the mathematics department.

網絡安全專家Mathy Vanhoef今日公開了一個影響*全部*Wi-Fi裝置的漏洞,這個漏洞讓駭客可以在沒有Wi-Fi密碼的情況下解密透過Wi-Fi傳遞的信息。雖然沒有證據顯示這個漏洞已被廣泛利用,但在漏洞公開後相信這只是時間問題。目前的最佳自保方法:

A protocol-level vulnerability allows an attacker to decrypt protected messages by attacking the four-way handshake of WPA1 and WPA2. Now more than ever: use HTTPS and VPN!

I thought Eugenics is no longer an acceptable practice after WWII, but perhaps not in Hong Kong.

今年的諾貝爾經濟學獎得主是行為經濟學家Richard Thaler。作為 #中大經濟 首屈一指的行為經濟學家*,我將會一連數篇講解一下Thaler對經濟學的貢獻。
答:行為經濟學(Behavioral Economics)放寬經濟學傳統的理性假設,希望從而解釋一些看似難以用傳統經濟學理論解釋的現象。行為經濟學的理論有很多是參考心理學的發現,所以在好些學校亦稱其作「心理學與經濟學」。
答:我會說,Thaler絕不會稱自己為「行為經濟學之父」。行為經濟學有三大泰斗:普林斯頓心理學系的Daniel Kahneman 在2002已獲獎。史丹福大學的Amos Tversky因早逝而無緣獲獎。還有就是Thaler了。沒有Kahneman和Tversky長達三十年的研究,不會有今天的行為經濟學。
答:Thaler雖然是芝名哥大學的學者,但他隸屬商學院而不是社科院的經濟系,Thaler亦不屬芝加哥學派一員。Thaler就曾憶述芝大經濟系泰斗、諾獎得主貝加(Gary Becker)對別人說,Thaler的研究在他眼中不算經濟學,他留在商學院就好了。
答:Thaler是第二名以行為經濟學得獎的經濟學家,第一名是Kahneman。但除這二人外,亦有其他行為經濟學家得過諾獎,不過得獎原因並非行為經濟學,例如在2001年以資訊不對稱研究獲獎的George Akerlof和在2013年以實證金融分析獲獎的Robert Shiller都對行為經濟學有重要貢獻。

The sequential write speed of #SanDisk #Ultra #128GB #microSD is surprisingly fast, over twice that of the other 128GB card I have in hand, a Toshiba Exceria 128GB, in the Q32T1 benchmark. The figures seem too good to be true, but I have already repeated the tests 3 times for a total of 15 runs and the results still hold.

My students these days probably don’t know what these are.

“Hiring [for] morning, evening, overnight [and] substitute [shifts], 100 [dollars] off [on] red.”* That’s how many words you need to translate that phrase printed on the left of this taxi.

* ‘Red’ represents public holidays, because the latter are marked in red on calendars.


#中大經濟 雖然無一個固定嘅trading lab(金融交易實驗室),但係為咗畀同學一個理想嘅學習環境,學系嘅會議室聽日早上會化身成一個臨時嘅trading lab,屆時將有Bloomberg嘅代表講解Bloomberg terminal嘅使用方法。一年級嘅同學必須出席,高年班亦可以參加。
A make-shift trading lab in the Department’s conference room.

地點:SB LT2 (廣東話)ELB 918 (英文)