有朋友問為甚麼我近年的攝影作品少了那麼多。原因大概是打從一開始我的作品就離不開工作—校刊的運動與新聞照如是,近年的特約人像攝影亦如是。現在的我滿足於在每次朋友親人聚會中拍出最好的合照。大概不少朋友對我那便攜但「頭重身輕」的相機配搭印象深刻吧 ^_^!
A friend asked why I do not seem to be taking as many photos as before. I guess the reason is, photography has been work-related for me all long, from journalistic photos for the school magazine to commissioned portraits in recent years. The current me is satisfied with taking the best group photos possible in gatherings of friends and family—some friends probably remember the portable, top-heavy camera I bring with me these days ^_^!