My students these days probably don’t know what these are.

“Hiring [for] morning, evening, overnight [and] substitute [shifts], 100 [dollars] off [on] red.”* That’s how many words you need to translate that phrase printed on the left of this taxi.

* ‘Red’ represents public holidays, because the latter are marked in red on calendars.

It is not easy to explain what is the use of sets to first-year economics majors since it is rarely used in the undergraduate economics curriculum. I ended up using a statistical paradox in the first assignment.


#中大經濟 雖然無一個固定嘅trading lab(金融交易實驗室),但係為咗畀同學一個理想嘅學習環境,學系嘅會議室聽日早上會化身成一個臨時嘅trading lab,屆時將有Bloomberg嘅代表講解Bloomberg terminal嘅使用方法。一年級嘅同學必須出席,高年班亦可以參加。
A make-shift trading lab in the Department’s conference room.

地點:SB LT2 (廣東話)ELB 918 (英文)




While I am shopping for term life insurance I have discovered that pricing can be non-monotonic. In the case illustrated below, the price of getting 3 million coverage is actually lower than that of 2.5 million. What is the actuarial logic behind this phenomenon?

個人一小步,社會一大步: 今次隨中文大學研究院去馬來西亞招生, 只要吸引到一個學生來中大經濟系, 就已經可以增加馬來西亞學生人數超過100%! #尋找他鄉的學生
On business trip to Malaysia to recruit students.