



其實從經濟學的角度看,「丁蟹效應」不明顯很合理。因為若效應真的存在,以買賣為生的一眾投資者定必會在上映前蜂擁沽空恆指,以期高賣低買圖利。但這一來股市遠在上映前就已經下跌,「丁蟹效應」也就不會出現。大家若明白這點,也就掌握了「有效市場假說」(Efficient Market Hypothesis)的中心思想。




理論是這樣,實際上又如何呢?中大經濟系的張梓錕、黎帝輝和吳沛恩同學參考了統計署的《收入及工時按年統計調查報告》,發現領取最低工資的僱員人數自法例實施以來有下跌趨勢(見左上表格)。不過下跌是否因為僱員被解僱?那又不一定 。更有可能是因為市場工資續漸高過最低工資,以至最低工資失去作用(右上表格)。









由香港中文大學經濟系主辦的第一屆《經濟系本科專題展覽》將於2015年4月15 – 21日假利黃瑤璧樓地下大堂舉行。展覽將展出近六十組探討不同經濟議題的專題習作,而在15號和16號早上更會有近百名本科同學親身講解。活動亦邀請到本系兩名傑出青年學者—信報《經濟3.0》作者梁天卓教授及2013年度中大模範教學獎得主莫啟聰教授—分別在4月15日及16日主持開幕講座。


Small facts about MS Office

– Docx equation editor does not automatically italize characters you if are entering with a non-Romanized input method, even if the characters you enter are alphabets.

– Excel .MMULT function requires the two inputs to have the same dimension. You can use it to multiply two 1-dimensional arrays or two 2-dimensional ones, but multiplying a 1D array with a 2D one will fail with an “unable to get the MMult property of the worksheet function class” error. The practical meaning of this is that if one of your input is just a vector, you still need to declare it as a 2D array.

With my brown leather shoes in need of replacement after years of service, I was pleasantly surprised to find the exact same pair of shoes on clearance in a department store. Now I can just pretend I am still wearing the old ones.
(Cat: “So I get to keep the old shoes? I just *love* pulling shoelaces!”)






Windows 10

Windows 10終於有內建多重桌面,感覺亦較一致。Start menu其實係縮小版嘅start screen。Cortana暫時無料到。

It has always bewilders me that Windows do not have built-in multi-desktop functionality. Now Windows 10 is finally going to have one.

Overall Windows 10 feel a lot more consistent throughout then Windows 8, which feels like a forced blend between a screen-friendly interface and traditional mouse-based Windows. For example, A lot more settings are now available in the Win8-styled “PC settings”, though the good-old Control Panel is still here. My guess is the latter will be gone in the release version.

Start menu is back…sort of. Microsoft essentially scaled-down the Windows 8 start screen to get a hybrid between the old and the new.

Cortana is pretty much just a shortcut to Bing at the moment, not much to see.



其實,經濟學家最在行是套利(arbitrage)。情人節當天預先紮好的花束是非常的貴,但散買的價錢是和平日一樣的。同樣,當日外出享用西式晚膳很貴,但酒樓茶記價錢不變, 在家下廚就更是加分殺著。


花盒:黃紅色馬蹄蘭$95 、紅色小玫瑰$90、沙巴葉$20,共$205。
芝士火鍋:芝士$20 、麵包$10、有機沙律菜$20等等,約共$100。


Powerline Network Adapters Hands-On

Most people have probably faced the problem of not being able to provide good Wi-Fi coverage for every room at home, and this problem is particularly severe in Hong Kong due to the use of concrete walls. In the past one would consider wiring the rooms with Ethernet cables or installing Wi-Fi extenders.  Today I am going to review a third option: powerline network adapters. They work by sending signal through electricity wirings, and units plugged into sockets under the same meter and will automatically form a network. To get internet access, simply connect one of the adapters to your broadband router with an Ethernet cable. Furthermore, there are Wi-Fi-broadcasting models that allow you to extend Wi-Fi coverage.

This hands-on features kits from two Chinese brands: a budget model from Tenda and a mid-range model from TP-Link. Budget models differ from higher-end ones in two major ways: First, budget models usually have maximum theoretically speed of 200Mbps, whereas higher-end ones have speeds up to 600Mbps. Since these numbers are theoretically limits, practical speed will only be a fraction of that, as my test results will show below. Second, high-end models sometimes have a pass-through socket that could be a life-saver if your room is in short of wall sockets.

Test models: Tenda P200/P201 kit (~HK$460) and TP-Link TL-WPA4230P Kit (~HK$650). Each kit comes with one cable-only unit and one Wi-Fi-broadcasting unit.

Test environment: Hong Kong Broadband 100M connection. Test conducted with speedtest.net with a Fujitsu Q584 tablet.

Basic installation: Easy. Both kits work immediately once I plug the included units into wall sockets.

Advanced Installation: you can build a network where devices roam between different Wi-Fi sources depending on their strength by setting the same SSID, encryption mode and password for all Wi-Fi access points on the network. The TP-Link unit has a button for automatically cloning my original Wi-Fi router’s settings via WPS, whereas for the Tenda unit I need to manually change settings via a browser. In practice I have never found WPS particularly easy to use, and it took several tries before the TP-Link unit was able to clone settings successfully. Furthermore, for unknown reasons I could not access the TP-Link’s settings panel the way the manual describe.

Speed: My HKBN connection has an average speed of around 60Mbps. Plugging the powerline units directly into wall sockets, I got the same speed with the TP-Link unit, whereas for the Tenda unit I only got 30Mbps at best. The results were the same regardless of whether I use an Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi, so the bottleneck is the Tenda unit itself. Speed drops dramatically if you plug the units into an extension cord—the average speed was only 3Mbps in my test.

Conclusion: Powerline network adapters present a very convenient way to extend your home network. Base on my test results, I would recommend spending the extra money to get the higher-end models due to the large speed difference.