– 巨無霸餐和魚柳包餐重上30多元;
– 雙層芝堡餐和脆辣雞腿包餐減價至21元;
– 魚柳包減價至9元,取代雙牛芝堡。
– 巨無霸餐和魚柳包餐重上30多元;
– 雙層芝堡餐和脆辣雞腿包餐減價至21元;
– 魚柳包減價至9元,取代雙牛芝堡。
【明報】『剛公布的《施政報告》每年撥30億元,向逾20萬戶低收入家庭提供「低收入在職家庭津貼」…張建宗表示有關家庭僅得8%居於私人租住單位』 那是否說,92%的有關家庭住在公營房屋? 假設一個三人家庭
住在300呎的公屋單位,以差餉物業估價署的去年的資料計平均市值租金若為$6641。若這個家庭剛在貧窮線上,有兩名工作成人及一名兒童,則低收入在職家庭津貼會再給予$2800。以2012年家庭住戶每月入息中位數為$20,700計,貧窮線為$10,350。這個家庭的實質收入加起來有$19791,基本上達中位數了。 我們不禁要問,這個家庭會有多少動力「上流」成為正真的中等收入戶?政府又怎能怪中產憤憤不平呢?
Quite a few people, myself included, have had this question in mind, but the internet is not very forthcoming in answer. We all know that Instant On promises a choice between fast resume from sleep under its high performance mode or extended battery life during sleep under the battery saving mode., but Asus never explained how these promises are fulfilled.
After some testing, I can say with certainty that Instant On is simply Asus tagging its name on Intel’s Rapid Start Technology, which is a motherboard feature that allows the computer to go from sleep to hibernation without the operating system knowing.
Why is this useful, you might ask, given that OS’s are already capable of such a switch? The usefulness lies in the ability to save the hibernation file in a disk separate from the one the OS is on, something that Windows certainly cannot do on its own. With this ability the hibernation file can be saved on a small SSD while the OS resides on a large HDD, which allows for much faster resume from hibernation.
So what exactly are the high performance and battery saving modes in Instant On? The difference lies in whether the computer will go into hibernation from sleep after a certain amount of time. In high performance mode, the computer only enters hibernation if battery is critically low. Below I launch the IRST Manager to show the settings Instant On applied:
In battery saving mode, it does so after a set interval. While the IRST manager is showing an interval of 15 minutes, I am not sure whther that is in fact the default Asus has since that was the value I set with IRST before I install Instant On. Asus might very well be assuming a default interval of 0.
So how useful is Instant On/IRST? That depends on the type of hard drive you have.
Now that I have talked about the benefit of IRST over OS hibernation, I should mention that it also has a considerable drawback: SSD wear. Typically IRST is paired with an integrated SSD partition that is exactly the size of the computer’s RAM. What this means is that the same sectors of the integrated SSD are being written over completely every time the computer enter hibernation, making it more likely to wear out and requires expensive service repair. Yours truly experienced this first hand when his Zenbook UX32VD’s integrated SSD malfunctioned just after half a year of use, which was only resolved after a warranty service.
Ever wonder why cheap orange juice tastes so awful and “natural flavor” is needed in basically all of them? Try deaerating orange juice at home and you will know why.
Extended reading 伸延閱讀:
各位同學,其實大家上完econometrics係咪過一個暑假就原銀奉還?OLS以外的模型你們不懂很合理,但諸如dummy variable, heteroskedasticity與omitted variable bias都是很基本的東西。好些同學甚至連OLS coefficient及p-value的意義都不懂。
Dear students, how much econometrics do you still remember after one summer? I know you have not learnt models other than OLS, but dummy variable, heteroskedasticity and omitted variable bias are all very basic. Many of you do not even understand the meaning behind OLS estimated coefficient and p-value.
Data analysis is one of the only few subjects in the undergraduate economics curriculum that demands studying in school to learn. You can pretty much study everything else at home by yourself.
If I try to argument against eating vegetables with the comic on the left, people would probably find me ridiculous. Yet some veganism promoters still believe comics like the one on the right work.
Turkeys are as likely to talk about Thanksgiving as corns have eyes.
A turkey is a life, so is a corn.
One might say turkey is a much higher form of life, but then human would probably be even higher on the scale. If birds can eat corn, so can humans eat turkeies.
I always favor the environmetal efficency argument for veganism, for the moral argument really does not work.
以後特首作的決定若不依專業意見,再不合理都可以用「行會及 XXX 是兩個機構,不可能每次都有同樣的考慮結果」來做解釋。特首非民
So the Chief Executive, who is not democratically elected, can do whatever he wants, free to disregard professional opinions of statutory bodies as he wishes. Hong Kong is now a dictatorship in all but name.
I encountered the white screen today while uniting WP 3.6 and phpBB 3.0.12, which only appears when user intergration is turned on. The problem is caused by WP and phpBB both having a validate_email() function, causing PHP to throw a redeclare error.
Soluton: validate_email() is actually deprecated on WP 3.6, so you can simply delete or comment out the ‘validate_email’ function in [wp-includes]->ms-deprecated.php.