The Atlantic: The Ph.D Bust: America’s Awful Market for Young Scientists—in 7 Charts

The issue is STEM is too broad a category. There is good demand for computer science graduates all the way up to PhD level, but not so for, say, civil engineering graduates.

The STEM surplus is much more severe at the PhD level because funding for PhD students are not following private market demand close enough. At the undergraduate level, within a few years after the private market for a field starts worsening, students stop flocking towards the field.



It should be pointed out that having 10% undergraduates and 70% graduate students being foreign are common among world-class universities. What so special in Hong Kong is that virtually all these foreign students came from the same country.

It is also common to subsidize local and foreign graduate students alike, while the practice regarding undergraduates varies. The problem in Hong Kong is that with a government essentially appointed instead of elected, the policy of subsidizing foreign students lack public consent.

【明報】三成白領加薪輸通脹 一成凍薪減薪



While it is common for unions to ask for raises that compensates for inflation, it is necessarily a reasonable request: if pay raise always equal inflation, then employees’ purchasing power can never change. Given that developing regions are becoming richer, maintaining purchasing power in developed region is only possible through increase in supply of goods. This is possible for products which productivity is still on the rise—such as electronics—but quite impossible for many other goods.

This phenomenon is particularly apparent in Hong Kong, where a significant proportion of goods come from Mainland China. Residents of Hong Kong will have accept a degree of decline in purchasing power eventually.



Though Hong Kong prides itself being the world’s freest economy, in reality it is plagued by numerous monopolies. The government plays its role in maintaining the situation: it refuses to issue more taxi license, driving-instructor license, hawker license and broadcast license to name a few, nor did it enact competition law till recent.

Free entry and exit is necessary for competition, a requirement known to every student of economics. Unfortunately the organizations that advocate “free economy” the most are usually supported by the business community, with the objective of discouraging competition from the government. Real competition is not something they desire.


Re-reading 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Corinthians 14, one has to wonder how leaders of some churches in Hong Kong can so fiercely oppose public *consultation* on legislation against sexual orientation discrimination, while at the same time allow the Sex Discrimation *Ordinance* to exist. The Bible silences individuals purely by gender, now is that not a subject vulnerable to “reverse-discrimination”? Or is it that the “truth” those church leaders believe in changes with the composition of their flock?

防末日自殺 阿根廷法國封山

While it is appropriate to point out the lack of evidence supporting the theory that tomorrow is the apocalypse, believers of Young Earth creationism should not criticize others as irrational, as YEC does not really have scientific backing either.

A price war has been going on among gas stations in Hong Kong. It is well-known locally that the major western oil companies all set the same prices down to 1 cent, a behavior that is consistent with both the competitive model and the cartel model. But unless there is a significant drop in international crude prices, otherwise the price war almost certainly indicate the latter.

近期見到太多提點基督徒要防範東方閃電的連結。對不起, 我對此實在頗為討厭,甚至覺得虛偽。讓我們從非信徒的角度,換個字眼看看:


「基督徒不會用hit and run的方法,而是潛入不同群體—『摸底』,『鋪路』,然然鎖定對象,做『針對』。 」



