KJ 音樂人生

剛好母親在看《KJ 音樂人生》,片中的男拔萃正是良好制度的寫照。主角黃家正孤傲不群,但音樂詣藝高超。家正和同學屢次互罵,學生主導的男拔萃音樂部有沒有因此而不讓他出賽?沒有,他還是弦樂指揮、殺手鐧高級合唱團的伴奏。他麾下的學生有沒有因為他不合群就不和他合作?也沒有,N個小時的練習還是會去。最重要最重要,他不信「拔萃精神」,有沒有人就此說他不配是作拔萃的學生?沒有。


Is it Doraemon or Haruhi Suzumiya? Why are all these first year econ majors back in time, getting their JUPAS results once again? Am I suppose to teach you all over again?!

工作熱誠:八號風球下婆婆還是要「上班」!四缺一嘛,冇計。Work ethics: grandma is still goin’to “work” despite the typhoon signal, for 3 ppl dsn’t make a game of mahjong!

耶穌大巡行 彩虹為證





『在船上,一個小朋友畫出「5個人手拖住手」的圖案,而衫背寫著JUST DO IT,預表教會心連心在主聖靈裡合一,及順服聖靈(JUST DO IT)』




I have always said conservative Christians should not be so eager in criticizing others for not following the Bible, because that would just make it apparent how they practice selective obedience themselves: they neither follow the verses on marring of beard nor that on covering of head, and have completely ridiculous interpretation of 2 Col 6:14.

回歸宗教改革’s photo






亞伯拉罕冒的風險不少,但回報亦高。如果亞伯拉罕並沒有面對任何風險,那「信心之父」就沒有甚麼意義了—一個零風險高回報的機會,隨便一個人也會去取。正正是因為基督與救恩並不是百分百明確的顯明在我們眼前,正正是因為我們信主是冒著信錯的風險,信心才有意義。沙得拉、米煞、亞伯尼歌對尼布甲尼撒說:「王啊,他也必救我們脫離你的手; 即或不然,王啊,你當知道我們決不事奉你的神,也不敬拜你所立的金像。」(但3:17-18)。亞伯、以諾、挪亞、亞伯拉罕,「這些人都是存著信心死的,並沒有得著所應許的」(希11:13 )。這樣看來,冒風險是每一個基督徒都一定要做的事。建基於零風險假設之上的,並不是真正的信心呢。




中大經濟系 傑出本科論文獎 2011-12


中大經濟系 傑出本科論文獎 2011-12
CUHK Dept. of Economics Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award 2011-12

1. Mr. Paul Cheung (second year student) won the Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award with his Senior Thesis, “Over-Inference in Small Sample: An Experiment” supervised by Dr. Vinci Chow.
2. Ms. Lam Chor Wan, Doris (final year student) won the Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award with her STOT paper, “Effects of Demographic Changes on Savings (Based on the Life-cycle Hypothesis) supervised by Dr. Ko Kwan Wai.
3. Ms. Kyli KY Li (final year student) won the Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award with her STOT paper, “Do People who Work More Hours Earn More in Hong Kong?” supervised by Dr. Vinci Chow.
4. Mr. Man Kin Chow (first year economics major) won the Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award (Junior Division) with his STOT paper, “Study of the Relationship between The Salary And GDP in Hong Kong” supervised by Dr. Vinci Chow.
5. Ms. Shannagh Wu Si Lok (first year economics major) won the Excellent Undergraduate Paper Award (Junior Divison) with , “A study in reaching a “revenue-neutral” arrangement to improve the traffic situation amongst the three road harbour crossings”, supervised by Prof. Zhang Hongliang.

The Award ceremony will be held in the Academic Counseling Session of the Orientation Camp for incoming economics students scheduled on 21 August from 11 am to 1.00 pm in William MW Mong Engineering Building, Rm 407.

Winners of the Junior Division will each receive a book coupon of $500 and a certificate, while winners from more senior years will each receive a book coupon of $1000 and a certificate.



I agree it is probably easier to manipulate Shanghai Composite via transactions instead of hacking. Moreover, the former is legal, though it is doubtful how meaningful this is in Mainland China.

Because manipulation via transaction depends heavily on the transactions in the last minute or even the last second, I personally think high-speed trading funds are the prime suspects. After all, their daily business concerns making transactions in ultra-short time frames to begin with.

的士申加價政府擱置 司機﹕小勝 商會﹕憤怒


This is simple economics: driver unions understand that members’ income is being held back by the number of available drivers, and therefore cannot be improved by a fare raise. A raise will in fact have the negative effect of reducing the number of taxi rides taken. Taxi owners, on the other hand, understands that rent goes up with fare, resulting in their strong support of the raise.