一, 提升效率 = 大部份人會受惠。香港有很多人的想法可以歸納為:自由市場 -> 高效率 -> 自然惠及社會各階層。其實這個想法根本無經濟學理論基礎。
二, 私有化 = 自由市場。這可是真是天大的錯誤。任何經濟入門課本都會告訴你,若商家壟斷就不算自由市場。雖然相比公營機構,由壟斷者經營還是有可能會得到效率提升,因為壟斷者想將利潤最大化。但剛說過,高效率本身並不代表大部份人會受惠。道理簡單:無競爭壓力,我幹嗎要給你便宜?
Dedicated video lenses usually feature stepless aperture to allow for smooth adjustment of exposure. Most still photography lenses, in contrast, feature stepped aperture adjustment. This guide demonstrates how to “de-click” Canon FD lenses to get stepless aperture.
Before you continue, note that
With that in mind, if you still believe de-clicking is useful—and I personally do find that being the case—here is a quick demonstration on how to do so.
1. Take apart the lens from the rear and remove parts that cause un-smooth movement
2. Remove the piston
If instead your FD lens locks with a rotating metal ring, you will need to remove the two ball bearings inside the aperture ring.
3. Removing the spring holding the aperture selector
4. Linking the aperture ring to the aperture diaphragm
If your FD lens locks with a rotating metal ring, you will be lopping around the coupling fork instead:
5. Re-assemble the lens. It’s done!
I have the same view. It’s not that demand for journalistic photo has decreased, but rather the supply has vastly increased, thanks to ever more amateur photographers with ever better skills and cameras. The result is an increase in journalistic photos, but a substantial decrease in professional photojournalism.
‘No Future in Photojournalism’ Interview: Dan Chung: Digital Photography Review
全個Facebook Feed都係龍年賀詞,咁我都祝大家亢龍有悔、飛龍在天、潛龍勿用、見龍在田、神龍擺尾、雙龍取水、時乘六龍同龍戰於野!
Just saw this on my Facebook News Feed: “X and Y are now friends after going to Event Z.” Wow FB, you really know a bit too much about us.
Parable of the Broken Window in Practice
Right after the man on the right post the yellow flyers, the street sweeper on the left torn them down. That is, before the man post more up on the same spot. Neither tried to stop the other from doing their jobs, and the economy has two more jobs secured.
范 徐 麗 泰 : 參 選 與 否 看 民 意 無 悔 支 持 唐 英 年
全 國 人 大 常 委 范 徐 麗 泰 說 , 支 持 唐 英 年 時 不 知 道 對 方 的 緋 聞 , 但 無 後 悔 支 持 他 。 她 重 申 , 參 選 與 否 留 待 民 意 決 定 。 她 出 席 中 大 座 談 會 時 被 問 到 對 六 四 事 件 的 看 法 時 說 , 香 港 人 接 觸 的 資 料 來 自 外 國 傳 媒 , 無 權 就 非 親 眼 見 的 事 作 評 論 。