The background music of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers trailer has deeply impressed me since the first time I heard it. As more and more movies adapted the soundtrack (Da Vinci Code and I am Legend, the latest example being the forthcoming 24: Redemption). Turns the the soundtrack was originally written and popularized for the movie Requiem for a Dream. This site provides a good overview of the adaption of the soundtrack.
Welcome to Socialistic America
Where the government owns the largest mortgage lenders and insurer in the country, serving millions worldwide.
Favorite TV Advertisement (HK)
Technology is not a prerequisite for good ideas. Here are three of my favorite Hong Kong TV advertisement of old,
1. Meiji Chocolate Gummy
2. Vita Chocolate Milk
3. CIT Long-Distance Phone Call
From Indiana Jones: The Lost Ark–“An army which carries the Ark before it is invincible.” Clearly not true according to 1 Samuel 4.
Walgreens Photo Printing
Very convenient and fast, but only uses sRGB as the color profile!
My quote of the day:
You know atmospheric sulfur levels are on the rise? [In] a hundred years we will all be look[ing] like spinach.
Grissom to Dr. Robbins in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8×15.
I always admire Hollywood script writers on how they come up with all these sound bites.
Giffen Good
The Indiana Jones of Economics, Part III
Reading through the comments there are a surprising number of comments made by people without a correct understanding of Giffen Good, though clearly there are also people that do. Now my dear ECON 100A students if you have studied the material well you should be able to point out their mistakes, for example:
1. Don’t understand that the correct measure of price is opportunity cost.
2. Don’t understand that the effect of Giffen Good comes from the income effect of the price change.
I was expecting a call…
1. 如何合理化遣返? – 高志活(Jens Galschiot,人權組織The Color Orange成員,《國殤之柱》雕塑家)事前表明來港和平示威。示威是否犯法?港府是否有理由懷疑高志活在港會從事其他犯法行為?沒有合理解釋下拒絕放行,這算甚麼法治?這樣也沒問題,政府明天也可以「酌情」侵犯您我的權益。
2.「不評論個別事件」? – 不知從甚麼時候開始,一句「不評論個別事件」成為了港府官員的無敵擋箭牌。有否放水給某樓盤是「個別事件」、政府人員是否有失職也是「個別事件」,一概不用回應。倒想請問一下各位長官,甚麼樣的事件才不是「個別」的?
3.公然說謊? – 入境處官員言之鑿鑿在鏡頭前說沒有入境黑名單,政圈流傳的消息卻是另一套。拒絕入境卻又不于解釋,人們會覺得哪一說法較可信?